What is the price of abdominoplasty in Madrid?
If you are wondering what is the price of a tummy tuck in Madrid, today Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón will tell you all about it. We will talk about the different types of surgery and the costs of each one.
What is abdominoplasty?
If you have a lot of flab or excess skin on your abdomen, which is not responding to diet or exercise, you have the option of having an abdominoplasty or abdominal dermolipectomy. This is an operation that flattens the area by removing extra fat and skin and tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall.
This surgery is a good option for men and women who are in good health. Abdominoplasty is an operation performed on patients after pregnancy to restore or improve the shape of the abdomen and also on people who have lost a lot of weight.
Occasionally, overweight patients may undergo this procedure to remove excess fat and skin.
This surgery should always be followed by a healthy lifestyle. Patients should be physically active and eat a healthy diet on a daily basis.
Steps for a tummy tuck procedure
A tummy tuck procedure requires a series of steps to be followed:
- Anaesthesia: drugs are administered to sedate the patient during surgery, either intravenous or general. As a doctor I will recommend the best option.
- The incision: A full abdominoplasty requires a horizontal incision in the area between the pubic hairline and the belly. The shape and length of the cut will be determined by the amount of excess skin. Once the skin in the area is pulled up, the weakened abdominal muscles are repaired. A second incision is then made around the navel to remove the excess skin in the upper abdomen.
- Closure of the incision: the upper abdomen is lowered. The excess skin is trimmed away and the remaining skin is sutured. A new umbilicus is then made, and stitched into position.
- The incisions are closed: sutured and the whole procedure is finished.
- Finally, all that remains is to wait for the results. Patients who have undergone abdominoplasty will notice a flatter and firmer area, proportional to their body type and weight.
What does the price of a tummy tuck in Madrid depend on?

The price of abdominoplasty starts at €3500. This is a guideline price and varies depending on the characteristics and particular needs of each patient and time.
It is very difficult to give an exact price without a face-to-face assessment of each patient. Even so, in this article we will try to give an overview of the price of abdominoplasty surgery.
We will explain the reasons why the cost of the intervention varies for each patient and we will give an approximation of the price of abdominoplasty in each variant.
The price of abdominoplasty surgery in Madrid is variable and depends on several factors:
- Technique of the intervention:
- Liposuction or associated liposculpture.
- Plicatura of the abdominal musculature.
- Removal of circumferential skin.
- Need for hospital stay. Depends to a large extent on the technique of the operation and the patient’s place of residence.
- Type and duration of anaesthesia. Generally, the operation is performed with general anaesthesia. The duration of the anaesthesia varies from one and a half hours for the simplest to 4 or 5 hours in combined operations with liposuction and plication of the rectus abdominis.
Price depending on the type of abdominoplasty in Madrid
At our practice in Madrid, Dr Miguel Fernández Calderón always carries out an exhaustive analysis of each patient. Then, depending on the diagnosis, he proposes the most appropriate treatment for each case.
Each patient requires a specific treatment to achieve the best results. But we could distinguish 3 main types of patients with different needs:
- Patients who after pregnancies want to improve the abdominal wall.
- Patients who after weight loss have significant excess skin.
- Patients with a moderate degree of obesity and a significant skin flap.
Each type of patient has different needs and to achieve the best results the technique used will vary. This implies a variation in the time of intervention and the need for hospitalisation, which means that the price of the surgery varies.
Price of abdominoplasty in Madrid for after pregnancy
The most frequent reason why patients seek abdominoplasty is to correct the abdominal sequelae of pregnancy. Each woman is different and the budget is adjusted according to the technique required to achieve the best results. But we can distinguish three types of candidates, depending on their needs:
- Very thin patients with diastasis recti after pregnancy. Those who may have some skin left over and a distended abdomen. Then, these women need an abdominoplasty that includes the plication of the abdominal muscles and the removal of the excess skin. The price of this abdominoplasty starts from 3500€, if it can be performed on an outpatient basis.
- Patients with excess skin and fat in the abdomen after pregnancy, with excess skin and distended abdomen. These patients need surgery to remove the skin, sew the muscles and also abdominal liposuction. The price of this abdominoplasty starts at €4,000 if the procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis.
- Patients with excess fat in the abdomen, flanks and back with excess skin and a distended abdomen after pregnancy. These women need a complete reshaping of the abdomen and back. This is the procedure we perform most frequently and the results are spectacular. An abdominoplasty is usually performed, which includes the removal of excess abdominal skin and fat and rectus plication, associated with high definition liposculpture of the abdomen and back. It is performed with at least one night’s stay and the price starts at €4,500.
It is essential that the patient who undergoes this type of abdominoplasty has no plans to become pregnant again. Because this surgery tightens the abdominal muscles and pregnancies pull them apart.
Price of abdominoplasty in Madrid for weight loss patients
The second most common reason for abdominoplasty is significant weight loss. Patients who lose a lot of weight abruptly usually have a significant excess of skin and sometimes retain fat in some areas. In order to give an approximate price for an abdominoplasty in Madrid we can distinguish 3 types of patients:Patients with very significant weight loss without excess fat and with excess skin only in the abdominal region. These patients have lost as much fat as possible. The budget starts from €3000 if it is performed on an outpatient basis.
Patients with significant weight loss who have excess abdominal skin and who also have excess fat in the back and abdomen. These patients require abdominoplasty surgery to remove the skin in the area with a long scar. In addition, liposuction treatments are performed on the flanks and abdomen in this type of case. This procedure is performed with an overnight stay and the price of an abdominoplasty in Madrid of this type starts at €4,500.
Patients with massive weight loss who have excess skin on the abdomen, back and bottom and who may also have excess fat on the back. In these cases a circumferential abdominoplasty or lower bodylift is performed. This involves a complete removal of the skin on the abdomen and back. It is usually combined with liposuction of the remaining excess fat in the abdomen and back. It is a surgery that requires one or two nights in hospital and costs from €8000.
Price of abdominoplasty in Madrid for moderately obese patients
Patients with moderate obesity who have excess fat hanging in the abdomen may be candidates for abdominoplasty. They often need help to change their lifestyle and this procedure can be a good start.
The abdominal skin and fat is removed at the same time as the back fat is removed by liposuction.
These patients need to change their eating habits and physical activity to improve their appearance and health. The intervention is a fundamental help, but it is very important to emphasise the hygienic-dietary measures afterwards in the postoperative period.
The price of an abdominoplasty in Madrid for patients with significant excess fat starts at €5,500, which includes an overnight stay.
Variation in the price of abdominoplasty in Madrid
The price of abdominoplasty in Madrid varies. It varies depending on the specific needs of each patient.
The price can also vary depending on the time. Operating theatre and hospital costs do not always remain constant. These variations generally have an impact on the patient’s final budget.
Abdominoplasty is a major surgery and therefore has a high cost. It is important that the patient understands it as an investment. When spending more than 3500 euros on an intervention it is important that you are prepared to follow the postoperative recommendations and try to maintain your weight so that it lasts longer.
You already know what the price of a tummy tuck in Madrid mainly depends on. If you need a quote for this surgery you can make an appointment at our clinic.